Insights from the Team Assessment Survey results of C-suite teams

team performance team effectiveness team efficiency rocket model network modeling partial correlation networks

Results from the exploration of data on team effectiveness and efficiency across ~40 C-suite teams.

Luděk Stehlík

Recently, Dr. Gordon (Gordy) Curphy posted an insightful article discussing lessons learned from working with nearly 40 C-suite teams, based on their results in the Team Assessment Survey (TAS), a tool designed to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of teams by assessing various factors that contribute to team performance.

The lessons could be briefly summarized as follows:

The article also included a screenshot of a data table with the C-suite teams’ TAS results, along with information about their respective team size and the extent to which they operate as a team versus as a group.

It sparked my curiosity about whether further insights could be gleaned from this data using an analytical technique known as a regularized partial correlation network, a method that identifies direct relationships between variables by controlling for others while using regularization to enforce sparsity, ensuring clarity and reducing overfitting.

Show code
# libraries

# data extracted from the table
data <- readxl::read_xlsx('table_extracted.xlsx')

# preparing data
mydata <- data %>% 
  dplyr::select(-Team, -TQ) %>% 
  dplyr::rename(`Team x Group`=`Group vs Team`)

# estimating a regularized partial correlation network
network <- bootnet::estimateNetwork(
  default = "EBICglasso",
  corMethod = "spearman",
  threshold = FALSE # when TRUE, enforces higher specificity, at the cost of sensitivity

# plotting the estimated network 
  layout = "spring",
  groups = NaN,
  nodeNames = names(mydata),
  weighted = TRUE,
  directed = FALSE,
  label.cex = 0.7, 
  label.color = 'black', 
  label.prop = 0.9, 
  negDashed = TRUE, 
  legend = FALSE,
  font = 2,
  theme = "classic"

Show code
# computing centrality measures for individual variables
qgraph::centralityPlot(network, include = "all", orderBy = "ExpectedInfluence")

The resulting network, IMHO, revealed two or three extra insights that are at least interesting, if not useful:

⚠️ A small caveat: These findings are based on a very small sample of highly specific teams, which limits their reliability and validity. They should therefore be treated as such and used only as an inspiration for further reflection on team performance and potential improvement strategies.

P.S. Kudos to ChatGPT for extracting the data from the screenshot of the data table - it made the analysis much easier. Thanks! 🤖😀


For attribution, please cite this work as

Stehlík (2024, Aug. 29). Ludek's Blog About People Analytics: Insights from the Team Assessment Survey results of C-suite teams. Retrieved from

BibTeX citation

  author = {Stehlík, Luděk},
  title = {Ludek's Blog About People Analytics: Insights from the Team Assessment Survey results of C-suite teams},
  url = {},
  year = {2024}